The TMA-AVS-01 Monitoring Center Operator training is a free course that includes three comprehensive modules that provide detailed guidance on the classification process and the standardized communication protocol. Monitoring center leaders can use these training modules to ensure smooth implementation and seamless integration of AVS-01 into their operations.
Designed to Equip All Stakeholders
While this course is primarily geared towards monitoring center operators, it also offers valuable insights for public safety officials and Emergency Communication Center (ECC) telecommunicators who are interested in understanding the workings and benefits of the AVS-01 Standard. This training is designed to equip all stakeholders with the knowledge necessary to enhance alarm response effectiveness and improve overall public safety outcomes.
Easy-to-Apply Framework
The alarm industry plays a crucial role in protecting life and property by detecting alarm events and initiating calls for service. However, the lack of standardized protocols and inconsistent alarm information exchange has posed challenges for law enforcement agencies and Emergency Communications Centers (ECCs). The AVS-01 Standard addresses these concerns, offering an
easy-to-apply framework to enhance alarm response processes.