Top Business Executives to Keynote The Monitoring Association’s 2019 Annual Meeting

The Monitoring Association (TMA) is pleased to announce its keynote speakers for the upcoming TMA 2019 Annual Meeting. Former Bridgestone Americas, Inc. CEO, President and Chairman Gary A. Garfield, known as “America’s Turnaround CEO”, will share on Mon., Oct. 14 his personal story of leadership and extraordinary business success amidst radical corporate change. Inc. Magazine Editor-in-Chief Eric Schurenberg will inspire attendees on how innovation will help them achieve their business goals in a rapidly-changing marketplace. He will present on Wed., Oct. 16. TMA’s 2019 Annual Meeting will take place at the Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa, Calif, October 12-16. Registration is now open online at

“The security and monitoring industries have faced exponential change in the past decade and more due to mergers and consolidation, as well as an evolving marketplace for products and services,” stated TMA President Ivan Spector. “Our members are faced each day with major disruptors to their business, as they know it. Gary and Eric will offer their invaluable insights into how to best manage change and thrive today and into the future.”

Charity Identified to Honor Mahler

For those who wish to make a donation in honor of TMA Past President Mel Mahler, the family has asked for contributions in his memory to:

Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center
Vanderbilt Gift and Donor Services
3322 West End Ave., Suite 900
Nashville, TN 37203

TMA Aims to Reduce False Alarms

Since its founding in 1950, TMA has worked to create and grow relationships between its members and various public safety organizations, including first responders.  Nationally law enforcement responds to millions of calls to alarm systems where no crime or attempted crime has been committed. Research in this area tells us that over 75% of these false alarm calls are attributed to end user error rather than equipment failure.

The Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) staff has worked with various jurisdictions to focus on updating the terminology that companies use to train new alarm users on how to manage their alarm systems.  Efforts in Phoenix, Arizona have reduced the number of false alarms significantly by helping users conquer their fears by using simple to understand vocabulary when explaining how their alarm systems work.  By reframing a technical manual into a language that is comfortable and straightforward, alarm users are stepping up.

Examples include moving from “arming and disarming your system” to “turning your system on and off” and “your home” instead of “the premises or protected property” and providing tips such as adding the alarm company to a customer’s cell phone contact list and having the customer use their cell phone as the primary contact number.

TMA, along with SIAC, law enforcement and member volunteers, created this course to help our member companies educate customers on how to use alarm systems responsibly: “2019 False Alarm Impact Awareness Training: How You Can Prevent False Alarms.” This 30-minute narrated customer training helps alarm owners identify the most common mistakes they make and how to avoid them.

The bottom line is false alarms cost you, your customers, and your community money and resources. Once customers are comfortable with their alarm systems, they will avoid false alarms and maximize their security investment.

Included in the review are how alarm systems work and what your customers can do to avoid mistakes that cause false alarms.

By avoiding false alarms, users will be able to get the most out of their alarm systems and not worry about fines or suspension of services.  Your customers can rest easy knowing that when unexpected emergencies occur, their alarm company is there to respond to any alarms generated from their systems.

As more homes become automated in the era of The Smart Home, more people are including alarm systems as part of their connected space.  Parks Associates recently reported in their May 2019 newsletter that professional installation continues to be the dominant choice for home security systems, but self-installation experienced strong growth in 2017 and 2018.   Self-installed DIY security systems are increasing as systems are set up to interact with the user through a mobile device or a computer.

False alarm reduction is everyone’s responsibility. By setting up easy to follow steps, and reinforcing communication with the monitoring center, everyone can benefit from protecting their home and avoiding false alarms.

For more information, contact


Hamilton County, OH is now live on ASAP

Hamilton County Ohio is the 54th PSAP in the United States and the 3rd PSAP in the state of Ohio to implement the ASAP program. Hamilton County went live on Tuesday, July 23rd and Wednesday, July 24th with Vector Security and Rapid Response Monitoring, followed by Brinks Home Security, Security Central, Vivint, Protection One, AT&T Digital Life, Guardian Protection Services, Affiliated Monitoring, and Tyco (Johnson Controls).

Charlotte County, FL is now live with ASAP.

Charlotte County is the 53rd PSAP in the United States and the 6th PSAP in the state of Florida to implement the ASAP program. Charlotte County went live on Monday, July 15th and Tuesday, July 16th with Vector Security, followed by Rapid Response Monitoring, Brinks Home Security, National Monitoring Center, Security Central, Vivint, Protection One, AT&T Digital Life, Guardian Protection Services, Affiliated Monitoring, and Tyco (Johnson Controls).

“We are excited to implement the ASAP to PSAP interface between the Alarm Monitoring Association and our Computer Aided Dispatch system.”,said Melanie Bailey, Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office Public Safety Communications Manager. “This new process will benefit both the community and agency by reducing the time it takes to process an alarm .”

2019 Fall Ops Survey Open

It’s time to collect topics for this year’s Fall Ops 2019 and TMA wants to hear from you! Please identify challenges that you would like to bring to this unique forum geared toward the professional monitoring center environment.

As has become tradition, we are also gathering your feedback for the Roundtable discussions. Because there are so many potential topics, we need your help to prioritize which topics are important to you.  This is a great opportunity to bring forth any issues to receive valuable feedback from your colleagues. Want to lead a discussion or share a case-study? Let us know!

Based on last year’s experience, we expect another valuable exchange when each Roundtable shares their findings with the entire group.

“Come with a problem, leave with a solution!”

Our tour this year is at STANLEY Security’s ProtectionNet™ Customer Services Center in Plymouth, MN (just outside Minneapolis), where they effectively monitor all types of security systems from homeowners to Fortune 500 companies.

Please take a few moments to rank your topics in order of importance to you and your business!

Survey deadline: 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, July 31st.