FirstNet Authority Board Approves Network Investment

The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) is boosting in-building coverage on FirstNet, the nationwide public safety broadband network.

Meeting today in New Hampshire, the FirstNet Authority Board approved an investment to expand services for network coverage via small-cell technologies. The investment aims to increase FirstNet coverage where public safety agencies operate indoors, such as police headquarters, fire stations, Emergency Communication Centers, and other critical sites and field locations.

The FirstNet Authority conducted robust engagement and market research with the public safety community – including the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) – to develop the investment and inform the Board’s action.

“Public safety is at the center of our investment process – the FirstNet Authority is laser focused on making sure the network continues to provide the communications they need for their mission,” said FirstNet Authority Board Chair Steve Benjamin. “Through our dialogue with public safety, they point to in-building coverage as a top priority for FirstNet. With this investment, we will enhance indoor coverage, provide an additional layer of network resiliency, and give public safety the ability to deploy this service where and when they need it the most.”

The FirstNet Authority Board passed Resolution 113 “Network Investments” at today’s quarterly Board meeting. The resolution directs the FirstNet Authority to issue a task order to its network contractor, AT&T, to make an indoor-coverage enhancing service – a RAN (Radio Access Network) extension – available to primary FirstNet subscribing agencies.

This service would enable stronger in-building access to the network, including mission critical services and priority and preemption. Users will have the capability to deploy small-cell technology where and when they need it to enhance Band 14 coverage for in-building locations where they operate, including temporary field locations.

“The FirstNet Authority has a strong partnership with public safety so we can make investments that advance the network to benefit their operations,” said FirstNet Authority CEO Ed Parkinson. “In-building coverage routinely tops the list of their desired improvements for FirstNet, so we are thrilled to be investing in a service that will help public safety deploy more localized and focused coverage solutions.”

Today’s action follows previous investments by the FirstNet Authority to increase network coverage by expanding the FirstNet’s fleet of deployables. The FirstNet Authority has also invested in initial generational upgrades to the network core for 5G capabilities.

The FirstNet Authority’s investments are made possible through a sustainable business model that enables the organization to continually improve and advance the network. The investments align with the FirstNet Authority’s Roadmap, which outlines the key priorities and activities for advancing and evolving the network beyond current contractual commitments. In addition, the FirstNet Authority established a set of investment principles to further guide the decision-making process for network investment.

About the First Responder Network Authority

The FirstNet Authority is an independent entity within the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Created in 2012, its mission is to ensure the building, deployment, and operation of the nationwide broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect U.S. communities

The Monitoring Association Welcomes its 50th FirstNet® Certificant

The Monitoring Association (TMA) is pleased to announce the addition its 50th FirstNet certificate, systems integrator Convergint Technologies, LLC. (Renton, WA). FirstNet is the nationwide public-safety wireless broadband network platform, built and deployed through a first‐of‐its‐kind public‐private partnership between the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) and AT&T. The FirstNet Authority is an independent authority of the U.S. Department of Commerce. In April 2019, under an agreement with AT&T, TMA began issuing a Certificate of Verification to qualified alarm companies for the use of FirstNet services for alarm transport communications.

For companies to obtain a who meet accepted alarm industry standards that result in the transmission of public safety related alarms from systems designed primarily to protect life and/or property (e.g. robbery, burglary, unlawful intrusion, fire, emergency medical) to a Central Station Monitoring Facility that confirms and verifies the authenticity of the alarm and notifies a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for relay to a public safety agency for the purpose of initiating an emergency response.

Public‐safety related alarms are critical to alerting first responders of emergencies requiring their urgent response.

As we mentioned above, for an alarm services company to apply to use FirstNet services for alarm transport communications as an extended primary user in support of public safety, it must first verify compliance through receipt of a TMA Certificate of Verification.

The alarm services company can then seek approval for eligibility to use FirstNet services by presenting the TMA Certificate of Verification to AT&T along with their contract(s) and/or service order(s), or to another alarm services company who will be providing FirstNet services from AT&T.

The TMA Certificate of Verification must be renewed every 12 months from when the initial TMA Certificate is issued.

For more information, please contact Tara Compher at 703‐660‐4913 or

FirstNet Expands

FirstNet®, America’s public safety network, now covers more than 2.71 million square miles. As public safety’s network partner, AT&T* has moved quickly to bring more coverage, boost capacity and drive new capabilities for first responders and the communities they serve – rural, urban and tribal. In 2020, we added nearly 100,000 square miles to the FirstNet coverage footprint (that’s like covering the entire state of Oregon).

Today, more than 15,000 agencies and organizations – accounting for more than 2 million connections nationwide – have subscribed to FirstNet.

Read the full announcement on AT&T’s website –

Learn more about FirstNet certification for your company elsewhere on TMA’s website.

DMP to Introduce its FirstNet Ready™ alarm panels in Nov. 4th VPR

Register now to attend TMA’s next Virtual Product Review (VPR) where DMP will introduce its groundbreaking FirstNet Ready™ alarm panels.

FirstNet is built with AT&T in a public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority and is the only nationwide, high-speed broadband communications platform dedicated to and purpose-built specifically for America’s first responders and the extended public safety community. It’s the solution to decades-long interoperability and communications challenges first responders have long been experiencing.

“The FirstNet network is an important step forward in our nationwide first responder infrastructure, and DMP is pleased to support public safety nationwide,” says Mark Hillenburg, vice president of Marketing at DMP. “Also, we are very excited to work with The Monitoring Association (TMA) and AT&T to deliver alarm panel communications using the highly secure and reliable FirstNet service.”

The transmission of public safety related alarms via FirstNet Ready™ alarm panels qualifies for FirstNet extended primary service. Alarm service companies qualify to use the FirstNet network by first obtaining a TMA Certificate of Verification that verifies they are in compliance with accepted Alarm Industry Standards. The Certificate of Verification ensures the company transmits public safety related alarms (e.g. burglary, fire, emergency medical) to a central monitoring station that confirms and verifies the authenticity of the alarm before notifying a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for relay to a public safety agency for the purpose of initiating an emergency response. In addition to the TMA certification, alarm service providers must enter into a FirstNet Agreement with AT&T before they can offer FirstNet Ready alarm panels with FirstNet service.

With DMP’s FirstNet Ready communicator, the XR Series control panels are among the first available for use on the FirstNet network. This gives alarm companies the advantage of using Band 14 – nationwide, high-quality spectrum set aside by the federal government specifically for FirstNet.

How to use the FirstNet Network for Alarm Panel Communication
Wed., Nov. 4, 2020 | 2:30PM/EST

Mark Hillenburg, Vice President of Marketing, DMP
Aaron McGhee – Product Manager, Control Panels, DMP


DMP to introduce new FirstNet Ready™ alarm panels in TMA VPR, Nov. 4th

FirstNet™ is built with AT&T in a public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority and is the only nationwide, high-speed broadband communications platform dedicated to and purpose-built specifically for America’s first responders and the extended public safety community. It’s the solution to decades-long interoperability and communications challenges first responders have long been experiencing.

“The FirstNet network is an important step forward in our nationwide first responder infrastructure, and DMP is pleased to support public safety nationwide,” says Mark Hillenburg, vice president of Marketing at DMP. “Also, we are very excited to work with The Monitoring Association (TMA) and AT&T to deliver alarm panel communications using the highly secure and reliable FirstNet service.”

The transmission of public safety related alarms via FirstNet Ready™ alarm panels qualifies for FirstNet extended primary service. Alarm service companies qualify to use the FirstNet network by first obtaining a TMA Certificate of Verification that verifies they are in compliance with accepted Alarm Industry Standards. The Certificate of Verification ensures the company transmits public safety related alarms (e.g. burglary, fire, emergency medical) to a central monitoring station that confirms and verifies the authenticity of the alarm before notifying a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for relay to a public safety agency for the purpose of initiating an emergency response. In addition to the TMA certification, alarm service providers must enter into a FirstNet Agreement with AT&T before they can offer FirstNet Ready alarm panels with FirstNet service.

Benefits for the Alarm Industry

With DMP’s FirstNet Ready communicator, the XR Series control panels are among the first available for use on the FirstNet network. This gives alarm companies the advantage of using Band 14 – nationwide, high-quality spectrum set aside by the federal government specifically for FirstNet.

Register now to attend:

How to use the FirstNet™ Network for Alarm Panel Communication
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020 | 2:00PM/EST


  • Mark Hillenburg, Vice President of Marketing, DMP
  • Aaron McGhee, Product Manager, Control Panels, DMP


TMA Issuing Certificates of Verification for FirstNet Services

The Monitoring Association (TMA) is pleased to announce that it has now started issuing TMA Certificates of Verification to qualifying alarm companies to support review of eligibility for FirstNet services.

As we announced in April, TMA reached an agreement with AT&T to provide qualified alarm companies with a TMA Certificate of Verification that will enable them to apply for eligibility to use FirstNet services for alarm transport communications.

FirstNet is the nationwide public-safety wireless broadband network platform, built and deployed through a first‐of‐its‐kind public‐private partnership between the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) and AT&T. The FirstNet Authority is an independent authority of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

TMA will be issuing certificates to those companies who meet accepted alarm industry standards that result in the transmission of public safety related alarms from systems designed primarily to protect life and/or property (e.g. robbery, burglary, unlawful intrusion, fire, emergency medical) to a Central Station Monitoring Facility that confirms and verifies the authenticity of the alarm and notifies a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for relay to a public safety agency for the purpose of initiating an emergency response.

Public‐safety related alarms are critical to alerting first responders of emergencies requiring their urgent response.

As we mentioned above, for an alarm services company to apply to use FirstNet services for alarm transport communications as an extended primary user in support of public safety, it must first verify compliance through receipt of a TMA Certificate of Verification.

The alarm services company can then seek approval for eligibility to use FirstNet services by presenting the TMA Certificate of Verification to AT&T along with their contract(s) and/or service order(s), or to another alarm services company who will be providing FirstNet services from AT&T.

The TMA Certificate of Verification must be renewed every 12 months from when the initial TMA Certificate is issued.

“FirstNet services will enhance our ability to support public safety and first responders. I am very pleased the alarm industry will be able to use FirstNet services for alarm transport communications,” said Louis T. Fiore, chairman of AICC and past president of TMA.

“Delivering emergency alarms via the FirstNet communications platform supports public safety, helping first responders get the information they need to respond to an alarm-initiated incident. By working with TMA as part of the rigorous eligibility process, we can help to make sure that alarms transmitted using FirstNet services are relevant to and align with the public safety mission and truly serve on the frontlines of notification should a public safety incident occur,” said Bob Sloan, chief operating officer, FirstNet Program at AT&T. “We’re pleased to see the thorough examinations TMA has conducted over the past six months before issuing its first Certificates of Verification.”

For more information, please contact TMA Executive Director Celia Besore at 703‐660‐4913 or at

TMA to Support Alarm Companies Participation in FirstNet

The Monitoring Association (TMA) and AT&T have agreed to collaborate on the verification of eligibility process that will facilitate qualified alarm companies to use FirstNet services to provide an enhanced communications experience, all in the support of the public safety mission.

FirstNet is the dedicated public safety nationwide wireless broadband network, built and deployed through a first-of-its-kind public-private partnership between the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) and AT&T.

Since the inception of FirstNet, TMA, through the Alarm Industry Communications Committee (AICC), has been working to support the public safety mission through standards based access to this nationwide public safety broadband cellular network.

In order to uphold the FirstNet public safety mission, FirstNet eligibility will be limited to those alarm companies who meet accepted industry standards for transmitting public-safety related alarms (e.g., robbery, burglary, unlawful intrusion, fire, emergency medical) to an alarm monitoring facility that confirms and verifies the authenticity of the alarm and notifies a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for relay to a public safety agency for the purpose of initiating an emergency response.

The transmission of verified public safety related alarms using FirstNet services helps first responders to quickly be aware of an event requiring their response to prevent the loss of life and property.

Companies interested in using the FirstNet communications platform for alarm transport will apply to TMA for a Certificate of Verification indicating that they follow recognized industry standards including the ANSI/CSAA CS-V-01 Standard (Alarm Confirmation, Verification and Notification Procedures) which is designed to minimize false alarms. The alarm company would then present the TMA Certificate of Verification to AT&T as part of the process to assess eligibility to operate on the FirstNet communications platform as an extended primary user in support of public safety.

“I am very pleased to announce that TMA will be assisting in the approval process for security alarm companies to transmit signals over FirstNet,” said TMA President Ivan Spector. “This is a great step in helping critical monitored conditions be securely sent to first responders on a segregated network platform that is dedicated for the purpose of public safety when they need it.”

“It has been my sincere pleasure to work since the inception of FirstNet with the public safety community,” said Lou Fiore, chairman of AICC and past president of TMA. “We see this as an important step in support of our public safety partners – one that we have been working toward for many years to ensure more secure communication of alarms from our customers through our central stations to the responding authorities.”

“Adding emergency alarm alerts to the FirstNet ecosystem brings an extra layer of support to public safety. This helps first responders get the critical information they need to quickly respond to an alarm-initiated incident. But as public safety’s network, it’s vital that any communication allowed to transmit across the FirstNet communications ecosystem is in fact integral to the public safety response,” said Chris Sambar, senior vice president of FirstNet, AT&T. “By working with TMA as part of the rigorous eligibility process, we can make sure that the alarm communications brought to FirstNet are relevant to and align with the public safety mission and truly serve on the frontlines of notification should a public safety incident occur.”

For more information, please contact TMA Executive Director Celia Besore at 703-242-4913 or at

IACP Adopts Resolution Supporting Alarm Industry Use of FirstNet

The IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police) held their 120th Annual Conference in Philadelphia last week. During the meeting a resolution supporting the alarm industry’s use of the FirstNet system was adopted.

Many thanks to Lou Fiore and Chief Harlin McEwen for their work on this. They presented the resolution to the IACP Communications and Technology Committee where it passed unanimously; it was then approved by the Resolutions Committee and it passed without objection at the IACP Annual Business Meeting on Wednesday, October 23, 2013.