The IACP Ratifies Resolution for ANSI/TMA-AVS-01 2023 Alarm Validation Scoring Standard

The executive committee of The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the world’s largest and most influential professional association for police leaders, ratified a resolution encouraging PSAP/ECC operations by law enforcement agencies to use The Monitoring Association’s (TMA) ANSI/TMA-AVS-01 2023 Alarm Validation Scoring Standard. The resolution was prepared and submitted to the IACP’s Private Sector Liaison Sector by Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) and Partnership for Priority Verified Alarm Response (PPVAR). The resolution was ratified in late October at the IACP’s Annual Meeting in Boston.

As written in the final, approved resolution, “WHEREAS, IACP recognizes the need to focus on the credibility of alarms received by law enforcement/first responder call centers from alarm companies and private entities through the establishment of defined threat levels as contained in AVS-01, will allow for agencies to deploy limited resources efficiently and communicate situational information to responding officers for greater officer/community safety…”

“The AVS-01 standard introduces ground-breaking methodology developed to assist public safety departments with their alarm response policies and to increase law enforcement safety,” states TMA Standards Committee Chair Morgan Hertel. It provides a standardized method for calculating an alarm score, or classification level, that results in a repeatable metric that estimates the validity or potential threat level of a burglar alarm activation using historical and real-time data. The alarm scoring assists law enforcement with resource allocation and Call for Service prioritization.

Stan Martin, executive director, SIAC, commented, “I am thrilled that SIAC successfully facilitated the approval of this resolution. This accomplishment highlights the strong trust and respect we have cultivated with the IACP leadership throughout the years.”

Learn more about the AVS-01 standard online at
Read the full text of the resolution HERE.

ESA – TMA 10/18/24 AVS-01 Webinar Available to Stream

On Oct. 18th, ESA hosted “Selling and Installing for Escalated Response – The Benefits of Selling AVS-01.” TMA-AVS-01 (Alarm Validation Scoring Standard), a new TMA Standard, the defines how monitoring centers and 911 ECCs will communicate the alarm level of burglary signals during the dispatch process with the goal to increase the safety of first responders and drive escalated response to the highest priority alarms. This webinar explored the current state of this impactful standard and what the future holds for sales and installation companies.


  • Jeremy Bates, Bates Security
  • Steve Butkovich, TMA President, CPI Security
  • Chris Denniston, Rapid Response Monitoring
  • Morgan Hertel, Rapid Response Monitoring
  • David Holl, Lower Allen Township (PA)

Stream the 10/18/24 presentation here:


PPVAR announces newly appointed Board of Director for the 2023-2024 term

PPVAR is happy to announce that Mark McCall of Immix is the new PPVAR President. Mr. McCall takes over the position from David Holl, Director of Public Safety for Lower Allen Township, PA who will now be on the board as immediate past-president.

Mr. McCall commented on his new role at PPVAR “I have long believed that PPVAR is in a unique position to bridge the gap between the security industry and Public Safety and push forward topics that were important to both. They certainly have proven that over the past few years, as evidenced, in part, by pushing for and working with TMA in the creation of the AVS-01 Standard. I am honored to be a part of PPVAR and look forward to working with our members to advance our mission.”

Kristy Johnson of ADT has been voted in as the new PPVAR Secretary. Ms. Johnson remarked, “The electronic security industry plays a vital role in protecting life and property. However, it is just one piece of a larger picture, heavily reliant on collaboration with law enforcement and public safety partners. When I joined the industry in 2012, I discovered a significant issue concerning false alarms leading to unnecessary police dispatches. This realization motivated me to work passionately on bridging the gaps within our industry and in my various roles throughout my time in the industry, I’ve remained dedicated to correct this discrepancy. My mission is to enhance the sector by focusing on solutions that make the best use of our combined resources and form true partnerships with public safety. My commitment to prioritized and verified alarm responses drives my enthusiasm to assume a more formal role within PPVAR (Priority Partners Verified Alarm Response) and actively contribute to these ongoing efforts.”

PPVAR ‘s Board of Directors is comprised of experts in Public Safety, Law Enforcement, Emergency Communications, the Electronic Security and Monitoring Industries, and consultants to these fields. We collaborate with all members involved in the alarm response process to maximize the effectiveness of all resources required to protect life and property.