Bold Group Blog Explores AVS-01 in New Post

TMA member, Bold Group, recently posted a blog introducing its customers to TMA’s AVS-01 standard. The full blog, entitled “What to Know About AVS-01” can be read HERE.

This is a great example of how members can support TMA’s outreach.

Special appreciation to Julie Steven, Senior Marketing Director, Bold Group, for allowing us to share this.

Public Comment Period for the ANSI/TMA-AVS-01 Standard is Now Open, Closes June 9, 2024

The Monitoring Association’s (TMA) AVS-01 Standard Committee has completed revisions to the ANSI/TMA AVS-01-2023 Alarm Validation Scoring (AVS) Standard and the draft is available for comment. In accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) directives, a 30-day public review period opened May 10, 2024, and will close June 9, 2024.

TMA is a Standards Development Organization, or SDO, accredited by ANSI, which facilitates and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment system. As an SDO, the TMA Standards Committee works on standards that benefit consumers, regulators, and the security industry.

View the proposed changes: AVS-01 Markup | Summary

Comment Form:

Learn more about the ANSI/TMA-AVS-01 2023 standard at

SSN Interview: Pioneering Standards: Rapid Response Leads with TMA AVS-O1 Validation

Security Systems News (SSN) Editor in Chief Cory Harris interviewed TMA President Steve Butkovich and TMA Immediate Past President and Standards Committee Chair Morgan Hertel, Rapid Response Monitoring, at ISC West in Las Vegas on the topic of TMA’s standards development initiatives.

View the full interview at Pioneering Standards: Rapid Response Leads with TMA AVS-O1 Validation

Axis Announces Support for IEEE Security Standard

Axis Communications announced support for the IEEE 802.1AE MACsec security standard in the latest release of its operating system, AXIS OS 11.8, for more than 200 network devices, including cameras, intercoms and audio speakers.

According to the company, the development enables such devices to automatically encrypt data at a foundational level to enhance zero-trust networking. Axis says it is the first manufacturer of physical security products to support MACsec (Media Access Control Security).

With AXIS OS 11.8, MACsec is enabled by default (through EAP-TLS/Dynamic CAK mode). Data is encrypted at the Ethernet Layer 2 (data link) network level, safeguarding the integrity of data being transferred between Axis devices and MACsec-enabled Ethernet switches.

Axis says that, even if a user is already implementing HTTPS or a different form of encryption at another layer, adding MACsec at layer 2 effectively double encrypts the data, meaning that an attacker would need to intercept and decrypt both layers in order to see or steal critical information.

“Customers benefit from security features that are enabled by default and that do not require any pre-configuration,” said Andre Bastert, global product manager, AXIS OS, in a statement. “They lower installation complexity, and thereby, literally save time and money. These security features are great examples of zero-trust security that do not require more time from customers. With the increase in the convergence of OT (operational technology) and IT (information technology), these standard security mechanisms are what IT professionals expect of smart IoT products, and we are meeting their needs as part of Axis’ long-term strategy to enable secure, zero-touch integration of Axis network products into zero-trust networks.”

New White Paper Now Available for Download

TMA’s latest White Paper, “Implementing the AVS-01 Alarm Validation Scoring Standard: Enhancing Alarm Response Through Industry Collaboration,” is now available for download.

The AVS-01 Standard represents a collective effort to address industry challenges. Participating monitoring center leaders demonstrate their commitment to industry-wide best practices, fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence in alarm response. This strengthens industry credibility and professionalism, promoting consistent and effective alarm response processes.

TMA has prepared a White Paper that highlights the benefits of implementing the AVS-01 Standard and inspires monitoring center leaders to actively participate in this voluntary standard.

Check it out and see why monitoring centers that actively participate in AVS-01 position themselves as industry leaders, showcasing their commitment to public safety and operational excellence. Join the growing community dedicated to improving alarm response and public safety through standardized practices. Become part of the movement driving the improvement of alarm response and public safety.

Download the White Paper HERE.

Learn more about the AVS-01 Alarm Validation Scoring Standard and its benefits at

TMA Automation Summit Opens Dialogue on New Standard Implementation

On Tuesday, March 28th, TMA hosted its Automation Summit in Las Vegas, NV. Key stakeholders from across the security and monitoring communities convened in-person and remotely via Zoom to hear from a panel of volunteers who lead the development of TMA’s newest ANSI standard – Alarm Validation Scoring Standard [TMA-AVS-01], which was released in January 2023. With the standard’s accreditation finalized, the next step is to inform, educate, and initiate its implementation and adoption by monitoring centers, automation software providers, ECCs, and law enforcement.

The purpose of the Automation Summit was to open a dialogue amongst key stakeholders across the industry.

TMA extends special appreciation to Mark Hillenburg, DMP, and his team for their generous support of the event.

A recording of the meeting may be viewed on demand HERE.


TMA-AVS-01 Alarm Validation Standard Receives ANSI Accreditation

The Monitoring Association (TMA) Standards Committee has received confirmation that its TMA-AVS-01 Alarm Validation Standard has received official ANSI accreditation. Initiated in 2020, the standard provides a method of creating an alarm scoring or classification metric for unauthorized human activity detected by alarm systems. The alarm scoring will assist law enforcement with resource allocation and Call-for-Service prioritization. The standard is available for download at

“I am extremely proud of the Committee’s work to bring this game-changing standard to completion. My sincere thanks to those in the security industry and the public safety community who participated in this collaboration,” TMA-AVS-01 Committee Chair Mark McCall commented. “Now begins the equally important work of implementing this standard into both communities, bringing significant benefits to both and to our mutual customers.”

The TMA-AVS-01 Standard Committee was composed of more than 60 participants, representing diverse stakeholders, such as professionals from the security industry, law enforcement, and public safety.

TMA’s President Morgan Hertel observed the significant impact of the new standard on the security industry. “It’s been almost four years since its inception, which includes two years of actual work on this standard. We have finally reached the point where it’s ready to launch. This is the biggest change in the intrusion industry since the release of the digital dialer.”

TMA-AVS-01 establishes standardized methods for calculating an alarm score, or classification level, that results in a repeatable metric that estimates the validity or potential threat level of an intrusion alarm activation using historical and real-time data.

Once completed and implemented, Call-for-Service to Emergency Communication Centers (ECCs)/Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) will include a standardized scoring metric that will assist public safety departments with their alarm response policies.

The standard identified four alarm Levels:

  • Alarm Level 0 – No Call for Service
  • Alarm Level 1 – Call for Service with limited to no additional information
  • Alarm Level 2 – Call for Service with confirmed or ‘highly probable’ human presence with unknown intent
  • Alarm Level 3 – Call for Service with confirmed threat to property
  • Alarm Level 4 – Call for Service with confirmed threat to life

David Holl, director of Public Safety, Lower Allen Township Department of Public Safety (PA), and one of the TMA-AVS-01 Committee co-chairs, remarked “ECCs/PSAPs are the leading-edge in processing citizen calls for service and communicating active alarm event data to law enforcement responders. TMA-AVS-01 will shift the paradigm and provide enhanced strategic information to greatly improve officer response logistics, officer safety, and impact more efficient and effective alarm call management. The development and evolution of this scoring standard has been an impressive collaborative effort of the alarm industry community and public safety professionals. It will change the way we all manage and respond to alarm events.”

“AVS-01 changes everything. The security industry now has a unified method for security alarm reporting, as well as a new level of partnership with public safety. This standard was only possible with the exchange of ideas, experiences, sometimes robust dialogue, and commitment of public safety and the security alarm industry. I am so very proud of this standard and cannot wait to see the results for our communities and customers. Specifically, a priority response can now be requested based on corroborating information. AVS-01 provides better information to public safety helping them prioritize their resources and save lives,” stated TMA-AVS-01 Committee Co-Chair Larry Folsom.

TMA is in the process of developing targeted online training for monitoring center personnel, law enforcement, and ECC/PSAP staff. Additionally, discussions with monitoring center software and automation providers have been initiated to provide for necessary updates in line with the standard’s validation and scoring classification.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Bryan Ginn at

TMA President Recognizes UL Solutions’ Schmidt at AM22

TMA President Morgan Hertel recognized the outstanding contributions of UL Solution’s Steve Schmit on Nov. 1st at TMA’s 2022 Annual Meeting in Marco Island, FL. A plaque and gift were presented to Schmit during the AM session.

Schmit has worked closely with TMA on many key standards initiatives. Schmit played an instrumental role in the development of Work From Home guidelines and standards at the onset of the pandemic. He’s recently initiated a new certification inline with TMA’s proposed ANSI standard – AVS-01, which is expected to be released by year’s end.

Steve will be retiring from his position at UL Solutions in November 2022.

TMA Standards Committee to Host Town Halls on TMA-AVS-01

TMA’s proposed ANSI standard, TMA-AVS-01 – Alarm Verification Standard Preliminary Technical Review period is now closed. The next step in the ANSI standards development process is the 60-day public comment period. We currently anticipate this will begin Mid-July.

In line with this formal comment period, TMA’s Standards Committee has scheduled five, stand-alone Virtual Town Hall question and answer forums for TMA members and other stakeholders. Security, monitoring, and public safety practitioners are encouraged to attend one or more of these sessions to share comments, ask questions, and exchange dialogue with the Standards Committee and their peers.

TMA-AVS-01 – Alarm Validation Standard

Register to attend one or more of the following TMA Virtual Town Hall Meetings (Each begins at 1:00PM/ET):

Preliminary Technical Review Period Opens for TMA-AVS01 Standard

The Preliminary Technical Review period is now open for the TMA-AVS01 Alarm Validation Standard. The purpose of this optional review process is to allow interested stakeholders to provide feedback prior to the commencement of the official ANSI public comment period.


The TMA-AVS-01 committee will review all preliminary comments for possible inclusion in the document published for review during the ANSI public comment period.


All comments must be received through the TMA portal no later than 8:00 PM, June 17, 2022. Access the TMA online comment form at


We are planning a webinar on or about May 25th to answer questions. Responders are encouraged to submit comments as early as possible.


After the committee has prepared a final draft document, TMA will submit to ANSI, with the desire to initiate the 60-day ANSI Public Comment process.


If you were unable to be in attendance for the AVS-01 Webinar on May 2, 2022, you can view a recording at


If you have any questions or comments, please contact Bryan Ginn at