TMA welcomed its 86th, 87th, and 88th ECC to its ASAP-to-PSAP within the last two weeks.
Learn more about TMA’s ASAP-to-PSAP service.
Volusia County FL Sheriff’s Office Communication Center (FL)
The Volusia County FL Sheriff’s Office Communication Center is the 86th Emergency Communications Center (ECC) in the United States and the 9th ECC in the state of Florida to implement the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP). Volusia County went live on Monday, May 17th with Rapid Response Monitoring, Vector Security, Security Central, Securitas, Tyco (Johnson Controls), Quick Response, ADS (Nashville), Alert 360, Guardian Protection, Affiliated Monitoring, National Monitoring Center, AT&T Digital Life, Protection One, Vivint, and Brinks Home Security. Those companies were followed by Stanley Security and ADT on Tuesday, May 18th.
Iredell County Emergency Communications Center (NC)
The Iredell County Emergency Communications Center is the 87th ECC in the United States and 10th ECC in the State of North Carolina to implement the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP). Iredell County went live with Rapid Response and Vector Security on Thursday, May 20th followed by Quick Response, Securitas, Stanley Security, Guardian Protection, Affiliated Monitoring, Tyco (Johnson Controls), ADS Security, Vivint, Alert360, National Monitoring Center, AT&T Digital Life, Brinks Home Security, Protection One and ADT. CPI Security and Security Central will be online with the agency in the near future.
Director Miller stated, “This partnership with the public sector alarm monitoring providers will reduce phone calls by sharing information via computer. Additionally, this will improve accuracy eliminating the need for manual entry, allowing the emergency signals to be processed within seconds and shared to the emergency responders.”
Prince William County VA Public Safety Communications Center (VA)
The Prince William County VA Public Safety Communications Center (PSCC) is the 88th ECC in the United States and the 16th ECC in the state of Virginia to implement the Automated Secure Alarm Protocol (ASAP). Prince William County went live on Tuesday, May 25th with Vector Security, Rapid Response Monitoring, Stanley Security, Security Central, Richmond Alarm, National Monitoring Center, Vivint, Wegmans Security, Protection One, AT&T Digital Life, Guardian Protection, and Brinks Home Security. Those companies were followed by Securitas, Tyco (Johnson Controls), Affiliated Monitoring, and ADT on Wednesday, May 26th.
View Prince William County press release on their website announcing the ASAP implementation.