2018 Annual Meeting Report: A Dynamic Gathering of Industry Leaders in Palm Beach
As it does every year, the 2018 TMA Annual Meeting brought together a most impressive group of industry leaders and influencers, who gained new connections and information to help them advance their businesses. Attendees praised the event, held in Palm Beach October 13-17, for its unmatched networking and high-level conversations supported by a leadership-focused program developed by the TMA Education Committee.
“The 2018 Annual Meeting lived up yet again to its billing as a gathering of the best of the best in our industry,” said TMA President Ivan Spector. “As we had expected, our event attracted the most engaged and committed people, enabling them to have conversations at a level above any other industry event and to take away information that will help them advance their businesses. I was gratified to see so many new members, first timers, and younger folk in Palm Beach, as well as our long-time stalwarts. You could really feel the dynamism of our association!”
TMA members at the Annual Meeting shared their enthusiasm for their organization by participating in the ongoing “TMA. That’s My Association” campaign. See more photos from the campaign here.

Keynote speaker David Horsager, author and CEO of “The Trust Edge,” set the tone for the meeting by sharing with attendees how trust, or the lack of it, can affect the success of their businesses.
Attendees engaged with each other in committee meetings, the general membership meeting, shared meal functions, theme events, special tours, and education sessions. “With the landscape and technology in our industry changing faster than ever it is important for us as members to gather together to identify and work towards solutions for our industries future,” said Wayne E. “Trey” Alter III, president and CEO, Dynamark Security Centers. “TMA has always been at the forefront of this and I can think of no better venue than our annual meeting.”

One of the buzziest sessions was “Valuations Evolve in the 2018 Market—Understanding How Today’s New Technology Players Impacts Your Place in the Alarm Industry” featuring a powerhouse panel moderated by John E. Mack III, Head of Mergers & Acquisitions, Imperial Capital. Pictured from L to R: John Robuck, Head of Security Finance and Managing Director, Capital One; Henry Edmonds, President, the Edmonds Group, LLC; Michael Barnes, Principal, Barnes Associates Inc.

TMA staff and leaders welcomed “NextGen” members with a special reception.
“It’s rare to meet so many accomplished visionaries and entrepreneurs and innovators all in one location,” said John Romanowich, President and CEO, Sightlogix. “I felt so welcomed here and had so many high level conversations — I really didn’t expect that at the first meeting I attended, and I just had a tremendous experience.”

The TMA Annual Meeting provided the unique opportunity to meet and engage with leaders from the AHJ organizations from the USA and Canada. Pictured from L to R: Mark Light (IAFC), Dan Eggleston (IAFC), Bill Moore (CACP), Rick Stanek (NSA), Leon Frederick (Nlets), Steve Correll (Nlets), Stan Martin (SIAC), Ivan Spector (TMA), Rob Baxter (TMA – sponsor); Paul Cell (IACP), Harlin McEwen (IACP), Jay Hauhn (TMA), Larry Folsom (sponsor), Joey Rao-Russell (TMA PSLC).
Related: Bud Wulforst Honored with Stanley Lott Award; Shane Clary and Rick Simpson Receive President’s Awards for NFPA-72 Efforts

The TMA Board of Directors, October 2018 (L to R): Bob Bitton, Lou Fiore, Don Young, Joey Rao-Russell, Shannon Woodman, Nigel Spinks, Dan Jackman, Bob Bonifas, David Carter, Ralph Sevinor, Alan Gillmore IV, Ivan Spector, Brandon Niles, Jay Hauhn, Morgan Hertel, Rick Sheets, Kevin Stone, Chet Donati, Stanley Oppenheim, Ed Bonifas, Graham Westphal, Ben Dickens, Steve Butkovich

TMA Executive Director Jay Hauhn retired following the Annual Meeting, after leading the association for 3-1/2 years. TMA created a special tribute video featuring members and colleagues to thank Hauhn for his service and contributions. It was shown at the General Membership Meeting.
Mark your calendar now for the 2019 TMA Annual Meeting. Join your colleagues October 12-18 in Napa Valley, CA to “Take Maximum Advantage” of your TMA membership connections!
For more photos and details from the 2018 Annual Meeting, read “TMA Sees Opportunities, Sun on Horizon at Palm Beach Meeting” from SSI.

TMA Staff at the 2018 Annual Meeting (L to R): Vice President of Meetings John McDonald, Member Services Coordinator Malory Todd, Vice President of Membership and Programs Celia Besore, Executive Director and CEO Jay Hauhn, Vice President of Education and Training Julie Webber, Vice President of Marketing and Communications Elizabeth Lasko.
Photos by Brandon Freedman, Joey Rao-Russell, Elizabeth Lasko.
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