VA 757/948 Area Code Overlay – REMINDER – Alarm, Security, and Elevator Letter

Please reference this letter for information about the Virginia 757/948 area code overlay as it relates to actions that may need to be taken by providers of Alarm, Security, and Elevator equipment.

Beginning on September 11, 2021, it is imperative that alarm, security, and elevator alarm companies reprogram alarm panels in their customers’ premises if they currently are programed to dial out seven digits to reach the alarm monitoring bureau.  If they are dialing out seven digits now, they must be reprogrammed to dial out a ten-digit number which includes the 757 area code plus telephone number.

As co-chairs of the Industry’s Virginia 757/948 Area Code Overlay Relief Implementation Committee, we request that you please share the attached information with your membership to advise them of the start of permissive 10-digit dialing on 9/11/2021.  Prior to the start of Mandatory Dialing in April 2022, we will modify this notice and send it to you for a second distribution.

If you have any questions, please contact us:

Co-Chairs for the VA 757/948 Area Code Overlay Industry Committee

Laura Dalton, Verizon

Nicole Febles, T-Mobile


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