Cisco Systems Chief Technology Evangelist to Keynote TMA 2019 Tech Summit
TMA is pleased to announce Jim Grubb, Chief Technology Evangelist, Cisco Systems will provide the keynote address Thurs., Feb. 28 at TMA’s 2019 Tech Summit in Salt Lake City, UT.
Mr. Grubb is a visionary Cisco leader who is passionate about early positioning and differentiation of Cisco innovation and technology. Instrumental in bringing new solutions to life, Jim ensures that Cisco is delivering products, solutions and services that enable our customers to accelerate their journey towards digital transformation.
As an expert in Digitization even before it was called Digitization, Jim has spent most of his career inventing and explaining the Art Of The Possible with technology. He is an exponential thinker and charismatic speaker working with most of Cisco’s largest customers as they build their Digital Strategies.
As John Chamber’s longtime product-demo sidekick, he delivered over four hundred keynote demonstrations at industry, technology, and CXO events, including Cisco Live, CES, HIMSS, NRF, Oracle World, Salesforce, DODIS, Cisco Partner Summit, and Cisco’s World-wide Sales meetings.
Jim has also presented to many Government and World Leaders, including Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Madeleine Albright, Dimitry Medvedev, Al Gore, Viktor Chernomyrdin, Vicente Fox, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jean Carnahan, and Jim Gilmore.
Register now to attend. Room reservation deadline (at special rate) has been extended to Feb. 8.