Kylau, Butkovich Team to Lead New CSAA Technology Committee


CSAA has launched a new CSAA Technology Committee. As noted by CSAA Executive Director Jay Hauhn in the spring 2016 issue of CSAA Dispatch, technology was identified at the 2016 CSAA Long Range Planning Meeting as one of the most important focus areas for the association. “The CSAA Technology Committee will be a resource for regular members to learn about technologies that impact their businesses, and a conduit for associate members to provide early awareness of technologically-innovative new products and services,” said Hauhn.

The committee’s co-chairs are Sascha Kylau, Vice President of Central Station Solutions & Service at Onetel and Steve Butkovich, Chief Technology Officer at CPI Security Systems.

The first project of the CSAA Technology Committee is the inaugural “Tech Talk” CSAA Signature Series Webinar, “Get Mobile. Get Paid!” on May 19. This webinar on new technology for collecting payments is offered at no charge to CSAA members.

The committee will hold its first in-person meeting at ESX 2016 at which time the members will confirm their mission and objectives and begin strategizing the development of future resources.

Sascha Kylau headshotKylau has 18 years of experience in the security field specializing in communication technologies.  Sascha started as an engineer with Sur-Gard and held various positions including sales engineer, global product manager and global sales manager. He recently joined Onetel Security, a services company which builds custom voice and data services for the central station market. He is a seasoned public speaker on such topics as central station receivers, VoIP, IP Technology and telecommunications. Kylau is keenly involved in the security industry and participates as an active member of AICC (Alarm Industry Communications Committee), SIA (Security Industry Association) and CSAA (Central Station Alarm Association). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics Engineering

Steve Butkovich headshotButkovich is a security and information technology leader working for CPI Security Systems headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.  As a 16-year veteran of the security industry and current CTO for CPI Security Systems, he has directly managed Service Operations, Customer Care, Central Station and Information Technology Teams during his tenure at CPI.  Today Butkovich works to manage technology service providers, vendors and manufacturers to identify, develop and maintain technology solutions allowing CPI to better serve its customers with superior service and high value security and home automation solutions for their homes and businesses. He understands the importance of technology to all facets of the business and works closely with CPI Leaders in Accounting, Marketing, Sales, Installation, Monitoring, Quality Control and Service to utilize and implement new technology tools and solutions to support the goals of the business.


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