Attend TMA’s Weekly Virtual Town Hall Meetings

To date, TMA has hosted two Virtual Town Hall meetings and we have an additional four scheduled. Attendance has been high and the interaction between members and key subject matter experts has been open and compelling, as we had hoped.
We will be hosting meetings at 11:00AM [ET] on each Monday of April [6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th). We may extend the schedule based on member needs.
Due to the outstanding support we’ve received for these meetings, and some concerns over the bandwidth and security of the Zoom platform, we have decided to present all future meetings on GoToWebinar.
  • If you have already registered for future meetings, you don’t need to do anything. TMA staff is transferring all current registrations to the new platform and you will receive a new confirmation with login instructions from GoToWebinar shortly.
  • If you have not registered, and would like to take part in our future Virtual Town Hall meetings, please register online.

Registration for TMA’s Annual Meeting is Open

Register now to attend our 2020 Annual Meeting. Set for October 24-28 in Marco Island, FL, this annual event is one that TMA members look forward to taking part in every year. This year, we’ll be celebrating our 70th anniversary.


Look for additional program details as they are confirmed.

If your company is interested in sponsoring this year, please contact John McDonald ( or (703) 660-4917) for a copy of our 2020 Sponsorship Prospectus.  

Speak at ESX 2020

Apply online now through January 21st to speak at ESX 2020 in Nashville. Preview the session topics or submit a one of your own. Speaking to your peers is one of the valuable ways you can give back to the industry. Additionally, by sharing your experience and expertise with industry professionals, you’ll raise your professional and company brand. It’s a winning proposition!

Submit your application online

TMA Salutes Member and Industry Contributions at AM19

One of former TMA President Ivan Spector’s last official duties was to honor professionals within the membership and the industry for their distinguished dedication to and support of TMA and its members’ interests.

On Monday, October 14th, Spector presented the newly-named Mel Mahler Award for Outstanding Service to the Monitoring Industry (formerly known as the President’s Award) to Steve E. Correll, executive director of Nlets. In presenting the award, Correll’s work to advance the ASAP-to-PSAP program was noted, as was his leadership in establishing the premier justice and public safety exchange mechanism in North America. This year marked the 11th anniversary of TMA’s partnership with Nlets. Correll will be retiring from Nlets this year after 18 years of service.

TMA’s highest award, the Stanley C. Lott Award, was presented to past TMA President and former Executive Director Jay Hauhn at the Annual Meeting’s closing dinner, October 16th. The award recognized Hauhn for his above and beyond commitment to TMA and to the monitoring industry over a period of more than 40 years. He, like Correll, played an instrumental role in the establishment and growth of TMA’s ASAP-to-PSAP program, which he continues to promote. Jauhn is currently working as a consultant to ADT.

Please join us congratulating the contributions of these great industry professionals.

TMA to Host Cybersecurity Webinar Series

TMA is pleased to announce a four-part Cybersecurity webinar series, taught by Ryan Fritts, Vice President of Product and Information Security, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for ADT. The course is designed for Monitoring Center IT staff interested in the latest developments in threat management. Participants will learn how to mitigate external attacks and insider threats.

  • Thursday, Nov 7 – Webinar #1: Cybersecurity Baselines (Compliance, baseline security requirements)
  • Thursday, Nov 21 – Webinar #2: Vulnerabilities & Risk Management
  • Monday, Dec 2 – Webinar #3: Social Engineering (The Human Threat Element)
  • Monday, Dec 9 – Webinar #4: Data Breaches (Forensic and legal perspectives around cyber and crisis communication)


  • Non-members: $399 (4 sessions, exam, certificate); $110 each (a la carte)
  • TMA Members: $279 (4 sessions, exam, certificate); $79 each (a la carte)

Learn more about this TMA Signature Webinar Series presentation.

TMA Presents Donation to Napa-Based Charity

In conjunction with TMA’s 2019 Annual Meeting, a fundraising raffle was held to benefit the Cope Family Center, a family resource center with a mission to empower parents, nurture children and strengthen communities. The Center provides parents with the education, resources and support they need to raise children who thrive.

TMA donated 100% of the proceeds which totaled $1,750.

Three prizes were awarded, however, all three winners graciously rolled over their gift cards to the charity, making the total donation from the TMA 2019 Annual Meeting $2,275.

We are grateful to our lucky winners:

First Prize:  $300 gift card and bottle of Napa Wine – Ivan Spector, Alarme Sentinelle

Second Prize:  $175 gift card and bottle of Napa Wine – Peter Giacalone, Cloud Communication Technologies, LLC

Third Prize:  $75 gift card and bottle of Napa Wine – Mark Melendes, CIBC Bank, USA

Learn more about the Cope Family Center online.


View the TMA 2019 Annual Meeting Attendees

TMA’s 2019 Annual Meeting is now just weeks away. Set for Oct. 12-16 in Napa, CA, this year’s event will not disappoint. The Meritage Resort & Spa provides a majestic backdrop for some powerful networking. Take a closer look at the current companies who have registered to attend. Download the meeting app and make plans to connect with peers from across the security industry. Not registered yet? Register now and make your reservations.

Top Business Executives to Keynote The Monitoring Association’s 2019 Annual Meeting

The Monitoring Association (TMA) is pleased to announce its keynote speakers for the upcoming TMA 2019 Annual Meeting. Former Bridgestone Americas, Inc. CEO, President and Chairman Gary A. Garfield, known as “America’s Turnaround CEO”, will share on Mon., Oct. 14 his personal story of leadership and extraordinary business success amidst radical corporate change. Inc. Magazine Editor-in-Chief Eric Schurenberg will inspire attendees on how innovation will help them achieve their business goals in a rapidly-changing marketplace. He will present on Wed., Oct. 16. TMA’s 2019 Annual Meeting will take place at the Meritage Resort and Spa in Napa, Calif, October 12-16. Registration is now open online at

“The security and monitoring industries have faced exponential change in the past decade and more due to mergers and consolidation, as well as an evolving marketplace for products and services,” stated TMA President Ivan Spector. “Our members are faced each day with major disruptors to their business, as they know it. Gary and Eric will offer their invaluable insights into how to best manage change and thrive today and into the future.”

2019 Fall Ops Survey Open

It’s time to collect topics for this year’s Fall Ops 2019 and TMA wants to hear from you! Please identify challenges that you would like to bring to this unique forum geared toward the professional monitoring center environment.

As has become tradition, we are also gathering your feedback for the Roundtable discussions. Because there are so many potential topics, we need your help to prioritize which topics are important to you.  This is a great opportunity to bring forth any issues to receive valuable feedback from your colleagues. Want to lead a discussion or share a case-study? Let us know!

Based on last year’s experience, we expect another valuable exchange when each Roundtable shares their findings with the entire group.

“Come with a problem, leave with a solution!”

Our tour this year is at STANLEY Security’s ProtectionNet™ Customer Services Center in Plymouth, MN (just outside Minneapolis), where they effectively monitor all types of security systems from homeowners to Fortune 500 companies.

Please take a few moments to rank your topics in order of importance to you and your business!

Survey deadline: 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, July 31st.

Take a Look Back at ESX 2019!

It was wonderful to reconnect with so many members in Indianapolis at ESX 2019! From education programs to the exhibit floor to the social events, this year was one to remember! See who took home TMA’s Excellence and Marvel awards…and take a listen to one of the inspirational keynote messages! ESX 2019