You are cordially invited to share your experience and expertise with your colleagues in the alarm industry. Others will benefit from your experience while you make a valuable contribution to the profession’s field of knowledge. Our goal is to showcase topics that have a high impact and inspire discussion. If you would like to enhance the knowledge and skills of your industry peers, CSAA wants to hear from you!
With the continuous effort to keep up with technology and its impact to the central station monitoring industry, this year’s presentations should address topics that are in the forefront of our minds – in other words: “What keeps you awake at night?” Or perhaps, “What SHOULD be keeping us awake at night?” Suggested topics include:
Best Practices in Executive Professional Development
The Connected Everything
Cyber-Security – Is Your Company Protected?
The Do it Yourself Frontier
Insurance and the DIY Security Movement
Keeping Your Business Competitive and Relevant
The Legal Landscape of New Capabilities
Overcoming Challenges Caused by the Speed of Technology
Understanding New Standards
Video Monitoring
Please DOWNLOAD and complete the presentation proposal for consideration by Noon EST on Monday, February 2, 2015. Submit your completed proposal(s) via e-mail to:
Note that some features of this form may not be supported in some PDF viewers. This form works best with Adobe Reader. To download and install Adobe Reader visit
If you have any questions contact Julie Webber, VP of Education and Training, 703-242-4670 x15.
- The specialization and decision-making authority of our audience provides an outstanding opportunity for speakers to increase their visibility and establish valuable contacts with a targeted audience.
- Previous speaking experience is not a requirement; CSAA encourages professional growth and will review all proposals that are complete, well- structured, and demonstrate true benefit to the program attendees.
- Speakers are expected to pay full registration and other related fees.
- Speakers are responsible for providing their own handouts. While handouts are not required, they are strongly recommended for the success of your session. When available, CSAA will work with individuals to provide a digital medium to disseminate materials.
- Presentation submission deadline for the 2015 Annual Meeting is by Noon on Monday, February 2, 2015. For multiple proposals, please use a separate form for each presentation concept.
Speaker Selection Process
The CSAA education committee co-chairs and advisory committee along with the CSAA Vice President of Education and Training will review all submissions received by the deadline. Selections will be made based on subject matter and relevance. All primary contacts will be notified of selection status on or before Friday, February 20, 2015.
Speaker Prep Sessions will take place in August/September 2015. These 30-minute conference calls will include a thorough review of the presentation slides, related handouts, and other materials. CSAA has a strict “no-advertising” policy and reserves the right to remove any material deemed as such.
- Provide contact information for those involved in your presentation. If you plan on presenting with one or more people, please make sure to include their names and contact information, including preferred method of contact, company affiliation, phone and email address.
- Include a short bio. Outline your years of experience, educational background/credentials, and practical experience in the subject matter. Don’t forget your co-presenters! If you have not yet identified your co-speaker(s), please provide a representative category (i.e., from the Central Station perspective).
- Along with a brief overview, please indicate the proposed length of your presentation. Educational programs range in length from 30-60-90 minutes, depending on the date, time and format requirements. Discuss what makes your topic relevant. Why should we attend?
- Please indicate whether you will be providing handout materials.
- Submission deadline: Noon on Monday, February 2, 2015