Tag Archive for: Standards

For TMA Members: February 2018 Updates From UL

AlarmHUB, UL’s new Certificate management and verification tool, is now in beta testing with volunteer monitoring stations and alarm service companies. AlarmHUB will bring new features and enhanced functionality to UL’s compliance management portal. AlarmHUB will be available for all UL customers mid-2018.  To learn more, visit UL.com/AlarmHUBInfo.

The TMA Standards Committee & UL are collaborating on a pair of revision proposals to UL827, Central Station Services.

  • The first, dated 11/17/2017, provides requirements around use of automated processing of low level signals, performance based requirements for protection of windows in an operating room, and new options for fire protection of unoccupied station spaces.
  • The second, dated 12/8/2017, provides additional detail around security of remote connections to a station’s automation system

Both proposals were made as preliminary requests for comments and are being further developed based on feedback received.

UL’s collaborative standards development system is open to the public. Voting rights on proposals are reserved for formal members of the Standards Technical Panel, but anyone can open an account to make proposals, comment on or follow the development of those submitted by others. Visit https://csds.ul.com to learn more.

Redesigning the UL Burglar Alarm Certificate Program

UL is working with a focus group of stakeholders in the Burglar Alarm Certificate program on ways to  reshape the Service to better fit contemporary security market needs. Objectives include preserving what works, revising requirements to accommodate service delivery outside current service territory definitions, recognizing & including forms of electronic security in addition to intrusion detection (video surveillance, access control, etc) and simplifying the system so that risk managers and service subscribers better understand the protections provided. Proposed revisions to Standards and UL Program requirements are expected in late Q2.


–Contributed by Steve Schmit, Program Manager, UL LLC, February 22, 2018