Tag Archive for: Michael Coffman

Colorado Representative Addresses AICC

Representative Michael Coffman (R-CO), who sits on the Armed Services and Veterans Affairs Committees, spoke to the AICC members at their quarterly meeting in Washington, DC last week.

Lou Fiore Mike Coffman AICC 3.8.18 cropped

Representative Michael Coffman, left, and AICC Chair Lou Fior

Coffman primarily focused on the net neutrality issue and where proposed legislation stands in Congress. He indicated he is against repeal of the December 2017 FCC overrule of the net neutrality rules because it would set a precedent for change every few years.

At the meeting, members also discussed the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, security industry concerns regarding drones, cybersecurity and IoT, and other important issues.

For information on membership in AICC, contact chair Lou Fiore.