A Practical Guide to Central Station Burglar Alarm Systems — Updated for 2018
The fifth edition of “A Practical Guide to Central Station Burglar Alarm Systems” is now available!
This updated edition of TMA’s best-selling burglar alarm guide is designed for insurance agents, underwriters and loss-prevention specialists and is also an invaluable resource for monitoring center managers and designers.
This revised version of the definitive guide for burglar alarm systems contains the following information, updated for 2018:
- Burglar Alarm Systems
Types of Burglar Alarm Systems
Components of a Central Station Burglar Alarm System - The Burglar Alarm Certificate Service of Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UL Listings for Central Station Alarm Companies
UL Certificate Verification Service (ULCVS)
UL Procedures for Issuing Alarm Certificates
Conclusion - Protection for Commercial Risks
Physical Security
Safe and Vault Protection
Central Station Burglar Alarm Service
Central Station Burglar Alarm Certificate Service
Conclusion - Selecting a Central Station Burglar Alarm System
Risk Analysis
Loss Potential
Loss Probability
Determining Protection Level
Levels of Protection - Glossary of Terms
- Technical Descriptions of Alarm Systems
Detection Devices
Alarm Signaling Systems
Line Supervision
Line Security - Technical Descriptions of Safes and Vaults
Burglary — Resistant Safes
Burglary — Resistant Vaults
Order your print copy here. Cost: $62.50. TMA members receive a 20% discount.
TMA thanks Stanley Oppenheim, president of DGA Security Systems, for his efforts to produce the 5th edition of this important publication.