Entries by Bryan Ginn

Five Questions for Brivo’s Steve Van Till

CSAA welcomed Brivo, Inc. as a new associate member earlier this year. Read on to learn a little about the company and CEO Steve Van Till. What is your company’s mission and how does it intersect with the alarm industry? Our mission is to provide the best cloud-based hosted access control in the world. For […]

FCC Announces New Requirements for FCC Registration Numbers – Effective Date is Sept. 1, 2016

If you wish to conduct business with the FCC, you must first register through the FCC’s Commission Registration System (“CORES”). To register, you must create a username and password. This username will uniquely identify you in the CORES system. You will also use this username to access CORES to update your FRN information and reset/update […]

CSAA Annual Meeting 2016 Keynote Speaker Dr. Tasha Eurich Will Share Strategies for “Bankable Leadership”

2016 is Second Year of Multi-Year Reimagining of CSAA’s Signature Event; Adjustments to Traditional Schedule Will Enable Full Participation in Fewer Days VIENNA, VA (April 25, 2016) – With a sharp focus on technology and on business and performance management, along with the networking opportunities for which the event is famous, the 2016 CSAA Annual […]

Throwback to 1911: Rules for “Troublemen”

Thanks to CSAA Past President Bob Bonifas for sharing a copy of the Chicago Telephone Company’s “Rules for Troublemen” from 1911. “It looks like in 1911, ‘troublemen’ were still on horses, and I would assume the alarm industry techs were as well,” commented Bonifas. “I thought this was an interesting piece of history on communicating to […]

CSAA Connects with CANASA and ALAS at ISC West

On April 6 at ISC West 2016 in Las Vegas, CSAA staff had the opportunity to meet with the leaders of the Associación Latinoamericana de Seguridad (ALAS) and the Canadian Alarm & Security Association (CANASA). Discussion topics included ASAP, education resources, and the challenges facing associations, among others. From left: Heather Terrence, Executive Director of CANASA, and […]

CSAA Talks ASAP at APCO’s Emerging Technology Conference

ASAP activity continues across the country. On March 16 and 17, CSAA Vice President of Membership Becky Lane presented two sessions on the service at the Association of Public Communications Officials (APCO) Emerging Technology Conference in Kansas City, MO. Lane’s first session was a “Tech Talk” program overview for law enforcement and 9-1-1 communicators. Her second, […]

Call for Volunteers: CSAA Standards Committee

CSAA, as an ANSI-approved SDO (Standards Development Organization), is reviewing the best path to establishing an up-to-date remote station standard. This standard will define the parameters of a remote station as well as its operational procedures. The CSAA Standards Committee seeks volunteers to participate in this important project. To volunteer, contact CSAA Vice President of […]

Ownership Changes and Internal Corporate Reorganizations May Require FCC Approval

Alarm service providers and equipment manufacturers should keep in mind FCC approval is required for most ownership changes.  If radio licenses are involved, prior FCC approval is generally required, although there may be ways to significantly reduce the usual 90 to 120 day approval time, using the FCC’s “conditional temporary licensing” mechanism (depending on the […]

Alarm Industry’s Jerry O’Brien Laid to Rest

Photo by Lou Fiore Former Alarm Industry Communications Committee (AICC) Chair Jerry Michael O’Brien was buried at Arlington National Cemetery on February 29. He passed away in Tampa, FL on August 30. CSAA Past President and current AICC Chair Lou Fiore and CSAA Counsel Ben Dickens attended the burial service. Last fall, AICC members passed […]