Results of the 2013 Wholesale Monitoring Survey – March 2014 (pdf)
Read an overview of the results
The CSAA Contract Monitoring Council is pleased to announce the results of the annual Wholesale Monitoring Survey. This is a joint effort between Barnes Associates, Security Systems News and the Central Station Alarm Association to quantify the size of the wholesale monitoring market (U.S.) and its growth rate. Participants are asked for a single data point: how many accounts/systems do you monitor on a wholesale basis?
The participation from past years plays a critical role in providing insight into the collective activity of the many thousands of small alarm companies. This is very important to maintaining the support of the industry that benefits all of its participants. Your input on this survey is crucial to clarifying changes in the many thousands of small alarm companies (and in many of the larger ones). The results can also help you better assess your performance relative to the overall wholesale monitoring market.