Sarasota, FL Is Live with ASAP

ASAP-Concept1DOn November 28, Sarasota County, FL went live with ASAP — the 31st PSAP to implement ASAP, and the 3rd in the state of Florida.

By connecting directly with our CAD, ASAP-to-PSAP will relieve Sarasota’s emergency call takers of approximately 3400 alarm calls monthly, leaving them available to answer 9-1-1 calls quicker,” said Sally J. Lawrence, 9-1-1 Coordinator, Public Safety Communications  for Sarasota County. “Additionally, the direct messaging between the dispatcher and alarm company makes for clear, direct and documented communication without the need for a phone call, leaving the dispatcher available to listen to the radio.”

2017 has been a momentous year for ASAP. To read about the alarm companies and PSAPs that have connected this year, click here. For more information, visit



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